How To Keep Your Water Tank Free Of Algae
Water is necessary for life to exist on Earth. Despite this, around 2.1 billion people worldwide lack access to safe, clean, and reliable drinking water in their homes. Almost 4.5 billion people lack access to safe sanitation. This is according to a UNICEF and World Health Organization report. Proper water storage is critical for keeping it clean and safe. If you’re interested in extending the life of your tanks, you’re not alone.
Proper Water Storage
Proper water tank storage and water storage tank liners are critical for the environment according to companies like Bright Water Services Inc.. Algae growth is one issue that may impair your capacity to extend the life of your tanks. If any of these contaminants are detected in your water, it is no longer safe for humans, animals, or plants to drink. Algae harbor pathogenic bacteria that can be lethal to a variety of species.
What can you do to keep your water tank algae-free?
Before calling your water supplier, there are things you can take to prevent harmful algae and bacteria from growing in your water tanks. Here are some tips for extending tank life and preventing algae growth.
Opaque Tanks
Always purchase completely opaque tanks. Sunlight is required for algae to obtain energy and increase. This is due to the organism’s reliance on photosynthesis. Algae cannot thrive in the absence of sunlight. Additionally, if your tanks do not see any sunlight, algae are less likely to establish a new home in them. Thus, algae are less likely to congregate in your tank, and if they do, they will perish.
Bleach should be used to kill the algae. If you have an algae problem, you can use bleach to eradicate it. The ratio should be 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of water in your tank. Bleach is excellent for eradicating algae (and other organisms that may be lurking in your tanks) and preventing its regrowth. Scientific research indicates that utilizing bleach prepared from a solution containing 5.25 percent hypochlorite is effective. Never combine bleach with chlorine. This combination is also called chlorine gas, which no one wants.
Make use of chlorine. Chlorine is effective at inhibiting algae growth. You should add four parts chlorine to 1,000 parts water. When not too much chlorine is used, the water remains potable and does not taste terrible.
It is critical to pay close attention to the ratios of bleach to water and chlorine to the water. This will destroy or slow the formation of algae while also keeping the water clean. Using these tactics will easily prevent algae from flourishing in your tank. There’s no point in collecting rainwater if you’re letting algae grow on it. Even utilizing a sturdy and strong water treatment tank lining won’t help if algae have colonized your tanks.
To Wrap It Up
Every six months to once a year, you should go through this sanitization process with your tanks to help prevent pollutants and algae from accumulating in the first place. Because algae are extremely unlikely to grow in freshwater tanks, maintaining them clean should be reasonably simple if you follow a regular sanitation schedule. You should have an algae-free fresh water tank if you follow the instructions above in the letter.