Six First Aid Tips That Could Save Your Pet’s Life
Before going to an accredited veterinarian, an animal’s first aid consists of emergency treatment. While some medical procedures require an experienced veterinarian, anyone who isn’t trained can offer first aid to stabilize an animal and help it feel more comfortable until it’s seen by a veterinarian.
First aid for animals follows three basic principles and four guidelines. If you are dealing with an injured or sick animal, pet owners, veterinarians, and animal care staff follow these guidelines similar to human first aid.
Tips for Pet First Aid
Every pet owner should think of a plan if their pet gets injured or sick. We took a pet first aid course with this in mind. This article will discuss the top six pet first aid tips:
1. Stay cool
Be aware of your actions in case of an emergency. Rushing into an already stressful area can create more problems for the pet. Engaging in eye contact and speaking in a calm-sounding voice, and avoiding using aggressive body communication will help. Always look to the side as you move closer to better view the pet.
2. Broken bones
Keep the animal from fleeing to prevent further injuries. Everyday items such as toilet tubes or bubble wrap and tape can help splint the wound if you notice a fracture. Using a boot cover to act as a stretcher when driving is an alternative.
3. Poisoning
Do not attempt resuscitation with mouth to snout if you believe that your pet has eaten poison as you could be infected. Take a small amount of poison along with the packaging if you know the source. The same is true for the feces. In order to help your vet determine the type of plant that your pet consumed, snap an image of it with your smartphone.
4. Choking
Be aware when you handle your pet because it could bite fearfully. Eliminate any visible obstructions by looking into their mouths. Be careful not to put the object into the neck. If it’s difficult to do, don’t delay because you could lose valuable minutes. Take your pet to an emergency Visalia vet right away.
5. Burn wounds
Before you apply bandages to a wound in your pet, ensure that the wound has been allowed to cool for a minimum of 10 minutes, using just cool water. Using bedding in a crate to house your pet is not a good idea. Instead, use a clean plastic surface. Cling film is suggested for burns in humans to minimize the risk of infection, but your pet will not be able to take this.
6. Bleeding
Start by muzzling your pet. The gauze-like pad must be placed on the wound using your palm, resting on the pad until the blood forms a clot (it may take several minutes). A tourniquet of gauze and an elastic band is required to stop the severe bleeding in the legs. Make sure you take your pet to a vet lab as soon as possible.
How to determine if my pet needs urgent medical attention?
The word “emergency” describes situations that require prompt attention. It is crucial to be prepared if you encounter a situation that affects the pet at any time of the night or day. Visit Tulare-Kings Veterinary Emergency Services for more information.
We’ve put together the following warning signs that indicate your pet requires urgent attention from an emergency vet. If you’re not sure, seek your veterinarian’s advice or visit an emergency vet clinic.