Signs to Determinate a Pet Medical Emergency
Choosing to take your pet to the emergency vet may be time-consuming and challenging. It’s critical for pet owners to know what to look for since these signs can indicate an illness that can be deadly if not treated promptly.
It’s difficult to judge whether your pet’s health is a real medical emergency or not as a pet owner. Some situations can wait until the following day when you see your usual veterinarian. However, if you are concerned, you should go to the veterinarian or an ER veterinarian immediately, regardless of the time.
Calling your veterinarian in an emergency should be one of your first steps. Prepare a description of the scenario, and your veterinarian can instruct you on how to provide first aid and move your pet securely. It’s also good to have a first-aid kit on hand.
Dog Medical Emergencies
Unfortunately, pets, like people, are subject to medical emergencies. The following suggestions may help keep your pet safe until they receive professional assistance.
There are various reasons why dogs and cats puke. It’s a running joke among veterinarians that cats vomit for fun. A single bout of vomiting usually does not need a trip to the animal emergency room.
If your pet exhibits any typical vomiting symptoms like blood in the vomit or if the vomit looks like coffee grounds, they should be examined. Finding foreign material before it becomes obstructive and detecting disorders like endocrine and metabolic disease can save lives if done early on. An animal emergency clinic will be available anytime.
Swollen Abdomen
Suppose your dog’s belly is becoming increasingly round, tight, and unpleasant. It might be an indication of fluid build-up caused by cancer, heart disease, or severe inflammation or infection in the abdomen.
It might also indicate a life-threatening build-up of air in your pet’s stomach and intestines. Your dog may require emergency surgery if these organs twist on themselves.
In cats, especially males, a urinary blockage can cause the abdomen to seem somewhat more significant than usual. Urinary obstructions can quickly become life-threatening. An ER visit is required if your male cat develops a large belly, vocalizes, or strains when peeing. Visit your vet for a cat check up.
Gum Color
The typical gum color in dogs and cats is bubble gum pink. An urgent assessment is required if your pet’s gums are barely visible pale pink, white, purple, blue, or gray. Pigmented gums indicate poor circulation caused by low blood pressure or aberrant oxygenation.
Some pets’ mucous membranes are pigmented, which means their skin and gums are naturally black or gray. Gum color may be a less accurate indicator of health in this scenario. Contact your family veterinarian or your nearest animal emergency facility if you have any concerns. A veterinarian like Bullard Animal Hospital offers emergency treatment.
Seizures, rapid changes in cardiac rhythm or irregular blood flow via the heart, or even anemia (few red blood cells) can trigger collapse episodes or loss of consciousness. If your pet becomes unresponsive and loses consciousness, you should seek medical attention.
Difficulty Breathing
If your pet cannot catch their breath, is heaving, or wheezing, they suffer from respiratory distress. Various factors can cause respiratory distress in dogs, but it’s most commonly linked to the nose, trachea, lungs, and heart disorders. If your pet cannot breathe, they are in immediate danger and should be sent to an animal emergency facility.